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add user in courses object (learning object)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:38 pm
by kris

Im french, i create my courses and i join my user to this courses.
But when i create my learning object in the teacher area, there's no user in
how can i do to have the same user in my courses and my learning object.
actually i have to systematically add the user or the new user on the learning is long

Can you help me? (my english is so bad...sorry)

Re: add user in courses object (learning object)

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:23 pm
by alberto
Hi Kris, welcome onboard :)

When a user is subscribed to a course he will automatically see all the LOs in the course.
Have you tryed to login with a normal user account and entering the course to see what happens?

Give a look at this tutorials, they're in italian but you can easily google-translate them:

How to create a course
How to create learning objects
Subscribe users to courses