FormaLMS version 2 - IE 11

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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FormaLMS version 2 - IE 11

Post by Biscotti2000 »


I upgraded a client from version 1.4.3 to the latest version.
After upgrading, I have noticed the following using IE 11: The text (Username and Password) inside the login object's textbox does not show.
If I use Edge or Chrome the text does show as per normal.
I also noticed with IE 11 the default document mode changes to IE 9. If I change this to IE 10 or 11 the Username and Password inside the textbox re-appears.
This is an even bigger problem for the learners that have complete required fields in the system as they don't know what each textbox stands for.
Is there any workaround that I can implement?

Thanks in advance
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Version: forma.lms 2.0

Re: FormaLMS version 2 - IE 11

Post by canelli »

you found a bug of the standard template already know
forma.lms 2.x is compliant and supports IE11 and EDGE .
some pages (registration, remind-password and other.. ) force the compatibility wih IE9 with the IE meta-tag .
The compatiibility IE9 metatag can be removed from template and generated pages.
The issue will be adressed in a next release

In the meanwhile you can force the IE11 compatiblity in IE option for the entire site
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