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User menu not displaying properly in languages other than English

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:06 pm
by jrgilo
The user menu does not display properly when displayed on languages other than English (portuguese and spanish were tested).
English User Menu.JPG
Menu de usuario Español.JPG
Also longer words seem to break the original layout, which makes certain items unusable or unavailable.
Half of the buttons on the user menu are not readable.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Re: User menu not displaying properly in languages other than English

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:58 pm
by max

my suggestion is to set your language in English and then look for untranslated keys in Spanish and Portuguese. It may well be that your Spanish and Portuguese language files are not fully translated, but you can add missing keys from the language management section.

In my version, Spanish and Portuguese seem (almost) ok